ZLS automatic backwash water purifier



ZLS automatic backwash filter is a high-tech product designed by our company introducing and absorbing advanced technologies from abroad, with a combination of our new patented technology. The water purifier is advantageous in continuous filtration, automatic washing sewage, compact structure, reliable operation, handling a large quantity of sewage water and small water consumption, low operating costs. The whole cleaning and sewage disposal process finishes automatically while equipment is in the running process. In the backwash of sewage, filtering can still be done, not affecting the normal water supply. ZLS type of water purifier is mainly used for auxiliary cooling water of power plants, industrial circulating water, fire water, domestic sewage and life water, washing liquid and similar suspension in their fine and coarse filtration.


       ZLS automatic backwash filter is divided into low-precision filter (Filter accuracy 1-6 mm) and high-precision filter (10 ??. The low accuracy filter uses stainless steel ladder bar as its filter core, which is formed through the special weaving technology, creating the filter pores of variable spaces, easy to rinse; the filter core of high-precision water purifier is made of special stainless steel twill net (or sintered stainless steel fiber mat), with the stainless steel square hole skeleton using special welding technology installed inside and outside. This cannot only ensure accuracy of the precision filter, but also that filters have sufficient strength.





Contact Address: Chongqing Shapingba District Xinqiao Industrial Park, Gold and Silver Rock Zip code: 400037 All rights reserved Chongqing, new ideas for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.,E-mail: cqxinsilu@vip.163.com 技术支持:易典传媒